Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reignite the Passion of the Revolution

Our founding fathers created this country based on a set of ideas borne from the Era of the Enlightenment.  They strove to create a model nation where all people had equal worth in society.  At a time when peasants were trodden upon by aristocracy, where kings ruled with iron fists, we were to be a nation of equals.  At a time when social classes were blocked into an impassable hierarchy, we became a nation emblemized by the American Dream.
We live in a nation borne out of the ideology that allows a person to think for themselves, may worship any faith without intervention or promotion by the government—a nation that allows all people to choose the path that they wish for themselves.  Liberty, to put it into a single word.
But these ideas have faltered.  America is not the ideas that it once so promisingly strove for.  We are taught in our schools that we are the Free Nation, that we are the Beacon of Light throughout the world, but we only need to look out onto our town’s streets, our city’s sidewalks, into our neighborhoods, and even within our families.  America is no longer that Beacon of Liberty that it once promised to be.  Once a nation symbolized with Progressive and Transformative idealism and practice, we have slowed in our progress and we have lost the path of our transformation.  But we cannot lose hope.  Our nation had been created in the light of institutionalizing change for progress of liberty and justice, and it begins with the voice of the people.

                Let our voices be heard in the most powerful way. 

Let our voices be heard so clearly that our representatives hear us. 

Let us reignite the passion of our founding ideology and make America
the Beacon of Light once again.

It begins with a pledge.

One-Hundred Million people must march—march to the polls and
demand a Progressive Future for America! 

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